Daily sales report for business: features and benefits

An important component of a restaurant’s operation is receiving income from visitors. It is necessary to take these amounts into account daily so that you can control the financial part of the establishment’s work.

For this purpose, it is proposed to generate a Restaurant Daily Sales Report.

Features of the process

The daily sales report should contain the following sections:

  1. Basic information, where the date and day of the week, the name of the restaurant and the revenue received for the entire day of work are entered.
  2. Sales are classified into different categories: sales of dishes; soft drinks and tonic drinks; alcohol, other products, or the provision of additional services.
  3. Sales can be broken down by working hours, individual categories of visitors.
  4. If there are discounts and promotions, then they must be taken into account in a separate column. It is also worth highlighting the amount for dishes that were removed from the customer’s bill.
  5. Identify existing trends by comparing them with past periods. In this case, it is worth considering the same indicators, for example, days of the week, because there may be more visitors on weekends than on weekdays.
  6. Find out the cost of production, the number of guests, checks issued, the average number of dishes ordered by one visitor.
  7. Having analyzed all the indicators, it is necessary to draw conclusions.


A daily report allows you to monitor the work of the restaurant, promptly identify trends. This will make it possible to find out popular dishes and those that are not in demand, find out the most productive working hours, and days of the week with the largest flow of visitors.

The report will allow the manager or owner to more accurately and efficiently control all aspects of the activity, promptly notice negative trends, or develop positive ones. The report does not require much time to prepare, but at the same time brings numerous advantages.
