How to organize a hotel business with USALI reports

The hotel business requires compliance with strict accounting reporting requirements. It is necessary to prepare and fill out many documents, submit them to regulatory authorities.

USALI reports are offered for this purpose.

System Features

The purpose of the accounting system is to create a basis for the functioning of the hotel business as an accountable structure that complies with all legal requirements for the preparation of documents, providing information to tax and other authorities.

Among the tasks that the system allows you to solve, it is worth highlighting:

  1. Conducting daily control of all services of the hotel or chain of establishments.
  2. Drawing up documents and analyzing the income and expenses of the hotel business.
  3. Carrying out calculations and studying the performance indicators of the hotel or chain of hotels.

Standard reports from Finoko allow you to maintain the following documentation:

  1. Related to income from renting rooms.
  2. Related to income from the sale of food and drinks to guests.
  3. Other documentation options related to income received by the hotel.
  4. Information on the profits or losses of individual hotel departments.
  5. General reports on received profits and losses.

Each category includes many other subcategories, where you can make a more detailed breakdown, and get a detailed picture of the state of affairs in the hotel or hotel chain.
This system can automate all reporting, establish data migration from existing software responsible for servicing the hotel.


Complexity, accuracy and reliability are the main advantages of this system. It takes into account the practice of the world’s leading hotels, has been implemented in a huge number of institutions, and has been tested in different conditions. Therefore, leading hoteliers recommend it as the most convenient.

With its help, you can plan strategic approaches to the management and development of hotels of any type. It will especially help to ensure the functioning of large or chain establishments.

Mastering the program is not difficult, you do not need to take specialized paid courses and pass exams. You can teach the staff of any hotel to use it in order to implement a unified approach to drawing up documentation.

All requirements of legislation and other regulations for reports in the hotel business are taken into account. Allows you to eliminate manual processes and minimizes errors of personnel and managers.
